´east goes south´Flyer with portrait of a woman
Meet the artists!
Flyer with portrait of a woman
´EAST goes SOUTH´colored flyer with text
Meet the team of our supported project EASTgoesSOUTH.
colored flyer with text
Superbooth25: Modular Synthesizer Ensemble register now open!Flyer with workshop info and people playing with synthesizer
This spring Superbooth Berlin offers a rare opportunity for young people to participate in the Modular Synthesizer Ensemble.
Flyer with workshop info and people playing with synthesizer
Join in now: Modular Synthesizer Ensemble workshopsFlyer with young people playing on synthesizer
Young people discover electronic music at Superbooth25 at FEZ-Berlin.
Flyer with young people playing on synthesizer
´Artists Against The Bomb´at CLB Berlinannouncement graphic Artists Against Bomb
New exhibition at our cooperation partner CLB Berlin.
announcement graphic Artists Against Bomb
Composer Alvin Lucier at CLB BerlinAnnouncement of Exhibition with a man sitting on a chair with sound cabel around his head.
Opening of "Extended Spaces - Resonant Bodies"
Announcement of Exhibition with a man sitting on a chair with sound cabel around his head.
New upcoming events from Modular Synthesizer EnsembleArtist's portrait Gammon with a modular synthesiser case
Gammon will give more workshops at "Signal Zirkus" and "Musik aus Strom" Festival in Austria.
Artist's portrait Gammon with a modular synthesiser case
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble live at Superbooth24 in BerlinA group of school kids playing at Synthesizers with one conductor
The opening day with Berlin´s Wolkenstein elementary school.
A group of school kids playing at Synthesizers with one conductor
Our annual report 2023cover with a scetch of two hands holding each other
We are pleased to share with you our latest Annual Report, a textual-visual retrospective of MZF in 2023.
cover with a scetch of two hands holding each other
Urban culture international at CLB BerlinA group of people stand in front of a gallery
Housing initiatives by and for women
A group of people stand in front of a gallery
superbooth 2024 starts tomorrow!overview of a building with slogan ´Superbooth´
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble at Superbooth Berlin from 16. - 18.05.2024
overview of a building with slogan ´Superbooth´
CLB Berlin - Marcos Mezas ´Piano Reveries´pink flyer with hand on piano and opening invitation on 25.05.2024
Release event at our cooperation partner CLB Berlin on 25.05.2024
pink flyer with hand on piano and opening invitation on 25.05.2024
first quarter 2024 of modular synthesizer ensembleA group of young people sitting around a table with modularen synthesizern
Are you interested in participating?
A group of young people sitting around a table with modularen synthesizern
new cooperation partner CLB BerlinA picture in two parts with a sculpture and the shadow of a performative dance
A place for contemporary art, science, urbanism and digital culture.
A picture in two parts with a sculpture and the shadow of a performative dance
EAST goes SouthTitle East Goes South overlay on picture were people standing with their luggage in front of a train.
EAST - East African Soul Train embarking to India 2024
Title East Goes South overlay on picture were people standing with their luggage in front of a train.
OFF/TRACKSide view of a man in a train window
A collective born from the transformative project EAST: East African Soul Train
Side view of a man in a train window
´Musik aus Strom´ House wall with window and a flyer with titel ´Musik aus Strom´
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble at Volkskundemuseum in Vienna.
House wall with window and a flyer with titel ´Musik aus Strom´
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble in BerlinYoung girl playing with an electronic instrument
The ensemble worked with pupils from Berlin's Heinrich Zille elementary school.
Young girl playing with an electronic instrument
East African Soul Train and Miller-Zillmer FoundationView from a train window with high houses.
The next creative journey EAST SOUTH goes to India.
View from a train window with high houses.
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble - New Workshopstwo young girls and on young boy with headphones playing on electronic instruments
Gammon brings his Ensemble to Graz/ Austria.
two young girls and on young boy with headphones playing on electronic instruments
Sunroof in Copenhagentwo mens playing on electronic instruments in a church
Daniel Miller and Gareth Jones live at Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen
two mens playing on electronic instruments in a church
Islands of Time Man painting on a bright wall in the forest
Niccolò Masini and Elettra Bottazzi at The Watermill Center in Long Island, New York.
Man painting on a bright wall in the forest
Live/Hybrid performance, 27 July, 2023 EAST / Lost+Found Art Residency Poster with different face behind different colours
16 artists, 16 places on the topic ´The Long Way Home´
Poster with different face behind different colours
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble at Superbooth23 Berlinyoung pupils playing on electronic music devises
A visual overview in time-lapse.
young pupils playing on electronic music devises
EAST - east african soul train brown blurry image with Logo of Lost+Found
Introduction to the Co-Artistic Directors of the hybrid art residency Lost+Found placed in London from 11/06 - 24/07/2023
brown blurry image with Logo of Lost+Found
Attention gallerists, curators and exhibitors!Antique pictures of portraits of people framed on the wall
We are looking for cooperations to present the work of Niccolò Masini on the research art project, 'Islands of Time'.
Antique pictures of portraits of people framed on the wall
New collaboration with East African Soul Train woman of colour looking out of a rail way window
We are excited to announce our new collaboration!
woman of colour looking out of a rail way window
Islands of time - nomadic resilienceMan in front of a white canvas in the desert
A closer look to the performance ´Nomadic Resilience´ in the Western Sahara territories by Niccolò Masini
Man in front of a white canvas in the desert
Happy holidays to you all!Photo collage
We wish you a peaceful, harmonious and healthy time with your loved ones and a great start into the New Year 🧡
Photo collage
‘Kapitola’ will be shown at the 35th Festival Les Instants Vidéo in MarseilleColourful human in bird dress on antique photo background
The festival will take place from 21 October to 4 December in Marseille, Nice, Aix en Provence, in Palestine (Gaza), in Italy and in Iran.
Colourful human in bird dress on antique photo background
My Life, My Body, My Decision, a project by Diáne Zillmertwo young woman in a dark spot with light in a backround
A conceptual photographic work with young women aged 16 to 19 on the theme of body, identity and life.
two young woman in a dark spot with light in a backround
islands of time - To be made of dust and errant trajectoriesabandoned house in the field with a prejection of words
Location 04 - Buenos Aires (AR) / Argentina
abandoned house in the field with a prejection of words
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples Woman in traditional indigenous costume
Every day offers us an opportunity to take action and keep up the good fight for humanity!
Woman in traditional indigenous costume
Islands of Time - NOMADIC RESILIENCEMan in front of a big white screen in the desert
NOMADIC RESILIENCE -“Memory as a form of resilience”
Man in front of a big white screen in the desert
Get-together of Daniel Miller and Gammon - Modular Synthesizer EnsembleTwo men sitting in front of a syntheszizer
Modular jam session at Ernst Krenek Museum in Krems.
Two men sitting in front of a syntheszizer
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble at Superbooth22 Dirigent und Schüler an modularen Synthesizern
The Modular Synthesizer Ensemble returned to Superbooth Berlin this year
Dirigent und Schüler an modularen Synthesizern
Islands of Time in Santa Marina Salina/ItalyStairs gallery Amanei
Impressions from the opening of Islands of Time in Salina/Italy
Stairs gallery Amanei
Danielle de Picciotto, the invited curator of our Humanletter No.06 "Interim"Artist painting
Danielle explores the regions between the inner and outer edges of our collective psyche and turns her impressions into her interdisciplinary art.
Artist painting
Exhibition of Islands of Time - As for all things tending towards infinity by Niccolò Masini Graphic of two persons on ladder
Special exhibition at Amaneï Salina in Santa Marina Salina, Italy
Graphic of two persons on ladder
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble at superbooth 2022school kids playing electronic instruments
The Modular Synthesizer Ensemble returns to Superbooth this year for more workshops and live performances with young school kids.
school kids playing electronic instruments
Modular synthesizer ensemble at the Salon Krenek in Krems/ AustriaPortrait Ernst Krenek
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble in honour of the composer Ernst Krenek
Portrait Ernst Krenek
Islands of Time - "You are going to keep a continuity with the past"House at night with wording
Niccolò Masini is in the final phase of the research project.
House at night with wording
Annual report 2021Cover annual report 2021 Miller-Zillmer Foundation
We are looking back on a memorable and eventful year.
Cover annual report 2021 Miller-Zillmer Foundation
University of Arts Berlin x Modular Synthesizer Ensemble Gammon teaching the students of University of Arts Berlin
The collaboration of Modular Synthesizer Ensemble and students of the Berlin University of Arts on the topic "Abtract Visual Reference".
Gammon teaching the students of University of Arts Berlin
Islands of Time presentation in Buenos AiresNiccolò explain about his research
Niccoló Masini on the project at Casa Suiza de la Boca in Buenos Aires
Niccolò explain about his research
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble across all agessenior women play modular synthesizer
Touching insight into Gammon's work with Modular Synthesis for seniors in Vienna.
senior women play modular synthesizer
Video intro by Niccolò Masini about Islands of TimeVideo image of Islands of Time
Migration and cultural identity is a constantly unfolding process.
Video image of Islands of Time
project: Modular Synthesizer Ensemble at Superbooth21Documentary about Modular Synthesizer Ensemble how he teaches his young students, a project supported by Miller-Zillmer Foundation
Short documentary about how the Modular Synthesizer Ensemble works with young students, creating patches, performing live on stage, and the effect this creates on the students.
Documentary about Modular Synthesizer Ensemble how he teaches his young students, a project supported by Miller-Zillmer Foundation
Project: Islands of Time @ Residencias en Residencia en Tigre/ Argentina
Our funded artist Niccolò Masini is in Argentina in the 3rd phase of his art research project
A&R Icon Award - Daniel Miller Our very own co-founder Daniel Miller received the A&R Icon Award in London.
Our very own co-founder Daniel Miller received the A&R Icon Award in London.
Our very own co-founder Daniel Miller received the A&R Icon Award in London.
project: AIRE @ Transfronteras y Temporalidades Amazónicas AIRE @ Transfronteras y Temporalidades Amazónicas
AIRE - Sueño Profundo will be part at the event Transfronteras y Temporalidades Amazónicas initiated by CCE - Centro Cultural de España en Lima.
AIRE @ Transfronteras y Temporalidades Amazónicas
Live performance: The Modular Synthesizer Ensemble at Superbooth21Modular Synthesizer Ensemble, live performance Superbooth21, supported by Miller-Zillmer Foundation
A live performance by the Modular Synthesizer Ensemble, recorded at Superbooth Berlin.
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble, live performance Superbooth21, supported by Miller-Zillmer Foundation
Friends In ConversationDiáne Zillmer in "Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop"
An interview conducted by the multidisciplinary artist Danielle de Picciotto with Diáne Zillmer in "Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop".
Diáne Zillmer in "Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop"
project: Island of Time @ Projects AnywhereIsland of Time @ Projects Anywhere
A biennial publication featuring our very own supported artist Niccolò Masini.
Island of Time @ Projects Anywhere
Humanletter – Print Edition Humanletter – Print Edition
The very first print edition is now finally ready for shipping!
Humanletter – Print Edition
Many thanks ...MZF @ Superbooth21
... to all who joined us at our 2nd anniversary get together this week at Superbooth21!
MZF @ Superbooth21
2nd Anniversary MZF @ Superbooth212nd Anniversary MZF @ Superbooth21
We are celebrating our second anniversary with special event in Berlin.
2nd Anniversary MZF @ Superbooth21
project: AIRENew supported project: AIRE
The increasing threats to indigenous communities in the Amazon and around the world, the socio-cultural significance of the communities, their resilience through their millennial connection to the earth, and the incredible art used as a voice, is what this project talks about.
New supported project: AIRE
Humanletter NO.05Humanletter NO.05
Visual artworks by photographer Patricia Morosan and accompanying sounds made by our co-founder, Daniel Miller.
Humanletter NO.05
Annual Report 2020Annual Report 2020
A year in review.
Annual Report 2020