On this International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and every day, let us not only stand in solidarity and celebrate the rich culture and deepest connection to our earth with the 370 million indigenous people worldwide, but also let us bring attention to the countless injustices they endure. Every day offers us an opportunity to take action and keep up the good fight for humanity!
Today we invite you to watch a short film from our supported project AIRE, initiated by NGO Thydewá with the aim to bridge the differences between indigenous and non-indigenous people through audiovisual art:
‘ATUCSE’ is an audiovisual work in which the images of the artists are accompanied by inverted audio, making it impossible to understand the words that are spoken. The idea is to awaken a reflection on how the female voice is distorted, misinterpreted or even silenced, symbolising the difficulty of listening in a patriarchal society. The artist Carina Desana, comments that in this work the inspirations are the voices of many women and the striking question that calls for reflection, "What if they had been listening to us 20 years ago? What could we have prevented?"
Full artist credits for ATUCSE:
Angela Berlinde (Portugal) Anna Campagnac, Carina Desana, Naine Terena, Sheilla Souza and Valéria Scornaienchi (Brazil)
aruma / Sandra De Berduccy (Bolivia)
Mariela Tulián and Shiraigo Lanche (Argentina)